Our life style has definitely changed from just taking care of our family and ourselves and working only for earning some money.
Today, irrespective of our marital and social status, our career has definitely become our priority along with our family, partner and kids and other responsibilities and we are affectively able to manage all these at the right time, even though we are taking a bit more stress than regular. Of course, the good thing is we are even able to manage excess stress than normal.
With the changing life style, it is not just we but our families have also changed and altered their mindset in our favor.
According to the recent survey done, working professionals admitted it is majorly because of their partner’s and family’s support, they are able to not only work more and earn more, but also thinking about growing high in their career, irrespective of the gender and marital status, thinking about taking up the job or profession, that requires a lot of travelling.
It is good to hear, particularly in our Country, employees are ready to take more stress at workplace, but the only concern is we are not getting paid as much as we work. Of course, this is a debatable topic where neither employees nor employers are satisfied with the result of this discussion.
And kids who have working parents are turning to be independent and responsible in major families, taking care of themselves and completing their work including the home work, without any dependency. And yes, it is agreed even by the parents, no matter how busy they might be, they need to keep a check on their kids day to day activities and thought process, to ensure growth of their kids to be proper as well.
With more organizations providing flexible work timings and work from home options as well, it has become easy for us to manage every responsibility in our life with an ease and happiness, of course welcoming certain amount of stress as well.