(Image source from: Pixabay)
As the temperatures rise, more and more people make a beeline for leisure pools. If you have not taken advantage of swimming in the summer to chill out, you may make up your mind to head towards the swimming pool this time after learning of all the benefits.
There is a widely circulated fallacy that swimming is not an effective form of weight loss. Therefore, it seems appropriate to offer a brief recap of the reasons why everyone can benefit from swimming this summer.
Weight Loss
Entering the pool for swimming or playing with some friends can help you burn calories and lose weight. Doing it one time will not make a difference but if you make it a habit, you will definitely notice a difference in a span of few weeks.
Relieve Stress
Swimming works as a stress reliever too. It is a fun activity and if you are feeling distressed, then it is time to go to the pool. Combine that with the endorphins you get from a physical exercise and you will be feeling bang-up after your swim.
Reduce Back Pain
Swimming is an exercise that does not stress any of the connective tissues of the body making it a great physical exercise for people with leg pain, back pain, and even joint pain. Not only does it allow you to get exercise without adding strain to the body but it can also help alleviate some of your symptoms.
Muscle Building
Every time you see someone who is an avid swimmer, you probably notice how defined their muscles are. The repetitive motions and increased resistance that comes naturally from the water help with this. In addition, swimmers can heal injured muscles faster and they develop good muscle stamina.
Reduces Inflammation
According to research, aerobic activities, such as swimming, reduce inflammation that leads to atherosclerosis build-up in the heart. Reducing system-wide inflammation leads to lessened disease progression in many other areas as well, so expect to hear of more benefits as the research progresses.
Lowers Depression
Swimming is calming and meditative, as the sound of your breathing and the water rushing by helps you focus inward and drown out all other mental distress which results in lowering stress and depression naturally.
Beauty Treatment for Skin
Swimming in salt water on a regular basis helps the skin detoxify to promote new cell growth and retain moisture. Swimming also helps in strengthening and keeping the skin healthy after an invigorating ocean swim.
By Sowmya Sangam