(Image source from: Top Natural beauty oils used})
To transform dry winter skin into skin that's soft and dewy you can use grapeseed oil on its own or mix it with some other oil to create a hot oil treatment for both your skin and your hair. Grape seed oil is also an excellent oil to use on your legs after you shave. It makes them smooth and shiny, and it can also be used to soothe itchy razor burn.
Rosehip oil is a truly remarkable natural product with amazing skin rejuvenating and hair conditioning properties. It has been used for generations by the Andean Indians of Chile who recognized years ago that Rosehip oil had exceptional healing skin care and hair care benefits. It’s brimming with natural nutrients and vitamins and can be used both externally and taken internally.
If you want to de-clutter your cabinet and simplify your beauty routine, argan oil can become your go-to beauty elixir from head-to-toe. It’s chockfull of essential fatty acids, anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals that promote your overall health by moisturizing, softening as well as protecting your face and hair from sun damage – without harmful toxins and Parabens.
Coconut oil is the perfect beauty product because it's organic no more putting sketchy ingredients on your skin that could get absorbed into your bloodstream, causing who-knows-what to happen to you a few years down the line, it's super moisturizing, it can used for aYou can get coconut oil in most grocery stores and any health food store. Look for "extra virgin" on the label. You want the pure stuff.. And trust me, one jar will last a long time.
Avocado oil is one of the most penetrative of all natural plant oils. Unlike most moisturizers and many other natural oils, it is believed to penetrate through the epidermis and into the dermis layer of our skin. This results in extremely soft and hydrated facial skin. And, due to its humectant properties that prevent drying out, this moisturizing effect is long-lasting.
Macadamia nut oil contains the highest amount of palmitoleic acid (an Omega 7 fatty acid) of any plant. Palmitoleic acid is plentiful in our skin when we are young, but decreases with aging. This acid is believed to help mature skin retain suppleness. Palmitoleic acid also replaces naturally occurring skin on the lips, allowing the skin to remain younger looking.
AW: Arun Kumar