Mega Prince Varun Tej is focused completely on Ghani, a boxing drama and the actor gained a ripped look and lost huge weight for the role. He underwent extensive training for months before the shoot commenced. Varun Tej completed the shoot of the film which was announced for December 24th release. With a heap of biggies lined up and to avoid clash with Nani's Shyam Singha Roy, the makers pushed the release of the film. An official statement was issued about the same. Kiran Korrapati is making his directorial debut with Ghani and Saiee Manjrekar is the heroine.
The release of Mega Prince @IAmVarunTej's #Ghani is being rescheduled!
— GA2 Pictures (@GA2Official) December 10, 2021
A new release date will be announced soon, the film will release only in THEATRES!@IamJagguBhai @nimmaupendra @SunielVShetty @saieemmanjrekar @dir_kiran @MusicThaman @george_dop @sidhu_mudda @Bobbyallu
"Ghani is a movie which is very close to our hearts. Lot of efforts have gone into making of the film. From exotic locations to expensive sets. We haven't compromised on anything and made this film on a grand scale to give the best visual experience for the audience. As the industry is just recovering from the pademic and there are lot of films slated to release in the coming weeks, we have decided to postpone our release to a later date to avoid clashes and keeping in mind the impact it will have on the business of everyone involved. Ghani will release soon in theatres only and we are sure it will be a memorable experience for all" told the official statement from the makers.