Young and energetic actor Ram has been struggling for success. After Nenu Sailaja ended up as a blockbuster, Ram has been shattered with back to back debacles Hyper and Vunnadi Okkate Zindagi. After a small break, Ram is all set with his next film and Nenu Local fame Trinadha Rao Nakkina is the director. The movie has been launched officially with a pooja ceremony and the makers announced the film’s title of this romantic entertainer. The movie has been titled Hello Guru Prema Kosame and the regular shoot starts today.
Anupama Parameshwaran is the female lead in Hello Guru Prema Kosame and Devi Sri Prasad is composing the tunes. Ram will be seen in a new look and Prakash Raj will play an important role in Hello Guru Prema Kosame. Top producer Dil Raju is bankrolling this prestigious project and the makers are keen on releasing the movie during August this year. Hello Guru Prema Kosame will be shot in quick schedules and Ram pinned many hopes on Hello Guru Prema Kosame.