(Image source from: Canva.com)
Doctors increasingly diagnose adults and stomach cancer and now appear in young people in the thirties, but in the 1950s and 60s they affected people. The latest data indicates that young patients with aggressive subgroups such as the progress of progress, in particular characteristic cell cancer. Since primary cancer remains asymptomatic until the disease progresses, this change in the population has emphasized the need for greater awareness and prompt intervention. Some of the dangerous factors at the beginning of stomach cancer, from Helicobacter pylori and chronic gastritis to eating habits such as high consumption and low fruit and vegetables. For young adults, additional factors such as important genetic factors such as stomach cancer syndrome, obesity, smoking and alcohol consumption play an important role. Surprisingly, the lifestyle can change and increased exposure to environmental carcinogenes can increase this age change and you have to choose the health strategy again.
Early diagnosis is still important, but the treatment option for stomach cancer has improved considerably. Surgery, chemotherapy and target therapy are still the basic basis, but new technologies such as the chemotherapy of the interior cavity caves (hipec) are prospects. Hipec is more effective than residual cancer cells by providing the side effects of the entire body by supplying warm chemicals directly into the abdominal cavity after the operation. This innovative approach is particularly useful for the general and challenging complications of advanced stomach cancer with peritoneal metastasis and cancer cells that spread in the abdominal cavity. By further development of these methods, increasing consciousness and promoting people with high risk, the results of this endangered young population can significantly improve.