(Image source from: Coffee Consumption Helps in Protecting Boozers’ Livers})
The risk of liver cancer and other diseases is high in alcohol drinkers. But, a recent study reveals that risk of liver cancer can be controlled or minimized by consuming coffee daily. Most of the boozers know that the alcohol consumption is absolutely not good for health, but to fight the tensions, stress, and to get relaxation they drink frequently.
The researchers of American Institute for Cancer Research Continuous Update project in collaboration with World Cancer Research Fund International worked for determining the cause and prevention of hepatic cancer. Dr. Anne McTiernan, an epidemiologist at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, and her colleagues have analysed nearly 34 studies of different sources.
In their study, they have came across 24,500 liver cases (approximately) of 8.2 million adults. Their aim was to figure out how heavy drinkers could lessen the problems of hepatic cancer. Interestingly, they noticed that consuming the coffee played a vital role in caring the health of alcohol addicts.
Coffee boosts up the energy level of the body of consumer, as it contains high level of caffeine and significant amount of antioxidants. These two compounds are potential in fighting against heart strokes, memory problems, liver diseases and mood swings.
The researchers recommended that men should limit their alcohol consumption to two drinks daily, while women should confine to one drink for better health. The coffee benefits would come with some well known side effects, so it is always not ascertained that coffee can save livers of heavy drinkers!