Every one knows about the importance of well balanced diet. Yet, most women are still deprived of such a diet for 'n' number of reasons. Keep aside all the reasons and take a step right away to live life 'Queen' size! Afterall women needs and deserve nutritious food. This way make your family healthy, society healthy, country healthy and thus, the World healthy! Check out the foods you must eat regularly.
Rich in vitamins-B6, C, selenium, manganese
Controls blood pressure.
Contains anti-oxidant properties.
Reduces cholestrol levels.
Improves bine health.
Reduces inflammation and pain.
Natural diabetic medicine.
Relives from heart burn, cold and flu.
Avoids colon cancer
Bones and teeth get strong.
BP would be conder control.
Rich in calcium and vitamin D
Helps in healthy digestive system
Blood cholestrol reduces.
King of vitamin C
Prevents aging.
Boosts immunity, prevents cancer.
COntrols diabetics
Numerous health benefits like prevents cancer, reduces cholestrol.
Lowers BP
Rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, carbohydrate, dieting fiber.
Beet Root
Good source of anti-oxidants, lowers BP.
Controls cholestrol and BP.
Best food for weight management.
Rich in Iron, folic acid, zinc, fiber, potassium, sinc, magnesium.
Source of fiber, proteins
Good for heart.
Cuts risk of cancer.