Hyderabad continues to be main hitch in T formationTop Stories

March 30, 2012 13:24
Hyderabad continues to be main hitch in T formation

Hyderabad city continues to be the stumbling block in finding a solution to the nagging Telangana issue.

When Union Minister and in-charge of the AP congress affairs Mr Ghulam Nabi Azad held consultations with the congress MPs of the Seema Andhra and Telangana separately in Delhi today, both sides showed their intransigency on the future of Hyderabad city.

Seema Andhra MPs told Azad they are not ready to lose Hyderabad and Azad conveyed the same to the Telangana MPs in turn. However, the T Congress MPs too told him bluntly they are also not ready to give up the city. “Telangana state must consist of Hyderabad and we will not accept any thing less than that,” they made it clear to them.

As a secondary option, Azad asked the T congress leaders if they are agreeable for Hyderabad to be made into capital city of both Seema Andhra and Telangana or least to turn it into a union territory.

The T Congress leaders bluntly rejected these options also forcing Azad to tell them to suggest a solution from their side. “In such a case, you suggest a solution as otherwise an immediate solution may not be possible,” Azad told them, adding, he would however take up the issue with the Seema Andhra leaders again. (J)

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