Stylish Star Allu Arjun scored a blockbuster with Pushpa: The Rise that is directed by Sukumar. The movie also made huge money in North India even without promotions. The film was made on a huge budget and a major portion of the film took place in Maredumilli forests in East Godavari district. The makers even announced that the film will have a sequel and Sukumar is working on the final draft. The hunt for the locations is currently on and the shoot was initially planned to start in April.
The shoot will now kick-start in May and most of the film will be shot in Kerala and Maredumilli forests. Fahadh Faasil, Anasuya, Sunil will have crucial roles and Rashmika plays Allu Arjun's wife in Pushpa: The Rule. The movie too will be made on a huge budget and the entire shoot of Pushpa: The Rule is expected to be completed in December. The movie will have its theatrical release during the first quarter of 2023. Mythri Movie Makers are the producers and Devi Sri Prasad is the music composer.