Stylish Star Allu Arjun is on a roll and is shooting without breaks. His next film is titled Pushpa and is directed by Sukumar. Pushpa is an action-packed mass entertainer that is half done with the shoot. The makers considered several names for the role of the lead antagonist. Several Bollywood actors too are considered but Sukumar and his team decided to go ahead with Malayalam actor Fahadh Faasil. This critically acclaimed actor has done several interesting roles in the recent years and raced to the top in the race. The actor loved the assignment and signed the film recently.
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Fahadh Faasil will join the sets of Pushpa from the next schedule that will commence in April. Rashmika Mandanna is the leading lady in Pushpa and the film also has Sunil in a crucial role. The film marks the pan Indian debut of Allu Arjun and Devi Sri Prasad is the music composer. Mythri Movie Makers are the producers and Pushpa is announced for August 13th release. Allu Arjun's look from the movie received top class response from the audience and the film is made on a massive budget of Rs 160 crores. Pushpa is carrying huge expectations and is all about the sandalwood smuggling that is happening in Seshachalam forests in Chittoor district.
Welcoming #FahadhFaasil on board for the biggest face-off ?@alluarjun @iamRashmika @aryasukku @ThisIsDSP @PushpaMovie #VillainOfPushpa #Pushpa
— Mythri Movie Makers (@MythriOfficial) March 21, 2021
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