Stylish Star Allu Arjun tasted his career's biggest hit with Ala Vaikunthapurramuloo. The film smashed all the existing non-Baahubali records of Telugu cinema and Allu Arjun is all excited to join the sets of his next film titled Pushpa. After the super success of Rangasthalam, Sukumar had to wait for two years to start this project. When things are good and the shoot is planned to commence in March, the coronavirus pandemic attacked and the world came to a standstill. Allu Arjun is finally back to work and he kick-started the shoot of Pushpa from today in East Godavari district, Andhra Pradesh.
The schedule of Pushpa will continue for a month without breaks and the entire movie unit will shoot for the film in a quarantine bubble. The team of Pushpa booked a resort for the film's shoot. The film's leading lady Rashmika Mandanna too will shoot for her portions in this schedule. Made on a massive budget, Pushpa is the first pan Indian film of Allu Arjun. Devi Sri Prasad composes the music and background score for Pushpa. Mythri Movie Makers are the producers and the film releases next year.