Powerstar Pawan Kalyan is on a break and he will return back to the sets of his upcoming movie Vakeel Saab from October 26th. The film is a court drama directed by Sriram Venu and will release for Sankranthi 2021. Pawan Kalyan will complete his portions for the film by the mid of November. The actor was holding talks for the remake of Ayyappanum Koshiyum from some time. The director is yet to be finalized and Pawan Kalyan now decided to move to his next film that will be directed by Krish. Pawan Kalyan wanted to delay this project as it involves hundreds of crew members.
But with the cases wave coming down and other films resuming shoots without any major issues, Pawan Kalyan asked Krish to resume the shoot from the third week of November. Three back to back schedules are currently planned by Krish and his team. Keerthy Suresh and Jacqueline Fernandez will be seen playing the heroines and the film also has a bunch of pan Indian actors. The film is planned on a budget of Rs 150 crores and is produced by AM Rathnam. The film is tentatively titled Viroopakshi and it will release during the second half of next year.