(Image source from: Facebook to roll out in-app search engine for its users!})
The social networking giant Facebook has been testing a new feature called 'in-app' search engine to facilitate users to get links for posting in their status updates, by avoiding time to go and get from Google. The feature may come first in its mobile versions. According to the TechCrunch, Facebook has confirmed that it is piloting a new way to add links on status updates on the app.
The report also said that some of the iOS users have been able to spot the feature. The ‘add a link’ option shows users a matching link once they put in a query in the search box. Users will be able to get the desired links within that tab and can save time.
So far users have been sharing the links through the link article if that is supported to social network share directly or users copying the link and pasting in the status update box. Some of the users coming out the Facebook page and googling for the desired link and posting on their pages.