Madrid might host Olympics 2020Sports Buzz

September 06, 2013 04:16
Madrid might host Olympics 2020},{Madrid might host Olympics 2020

(Image source from: Madrid might host Olympics 2020})

With just two days to go ahead of the big decision, speculations are rife on the 2020 Summer Games venue. A trusted source has tipped that International Olympic committee (IOC) might vote in favor of the Spanish capital of Madrid, their choicest setting for the Games to be held seven years from now.

“To my astonishment, it seems like it’s going to be Madrid,” Wolfgang Maennig, a professor of economics at Hamburg University, told to the Huffington Post.

Maennig, who is currently in Buenos Aires, Argentina, to attend a sports business symposium met two Olympic officials there including the president of a national delegation who revealed that With crisis in Tokyo and Istanbul clouding, Madrid was pulling off fast as the favorite venue for 2020 Olympics.

“I talked today to the president of a national federation and people are still afraid of Syria and even Iraq, even though that was years ago, affecting Turkey,” Maennig said on Wednesday. “There are also many concerns about the level of radiation in Japan.”

Madrid has bid for the Olympic in the last three rounds and was the runner-up to host the 2016 games, behind Rio de Janeiro.

AW: Suchorita Dutta

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