Dispute Turns Deadly Shooting at Southwest Atlanta Home 2018-07-31 10:48:55
A deadly shooting took place at a southwest Atlanta home. Police are investigating a deadly overnight shooting, according to a report by Channel 2 Action News.One person was found dead early Tuesday after gunshots were fired inside the home in...
Keywords: Browning, Southwest Atlanta, Southwest Atlanta, Southwest Atlanta
Read MoreMan Sentenced For Killing In A Fight 2017-05-27 09:51:20
An Atlanta man has been sentenced for killing a man in a fight over smoking in home. He was charged with murder twice in the span of two years has been found guilty of a lesser crime in the first...
Keywords: Killing In A Fight, Man Killed In A Fight, Man Sentenced For Killing In A Fight, Man Killed In A Fight
Read MoreShooting outside Atlanta high school, after football game!! 2016-10-17 12:26:54
A student had been shot outside Mays High School after a football game. Atlanta Public Schools officials have confirmed the shooting. The incident occurred in the parking lot of Mays High School on Friday evening. In a statement, school officials...
Keywords: shooting at Atlanta high school, Atlanta high school, Atlanta high school, Atlanta high school shooting after football game
Read MoreMarietta man was carjacked and shot to death in Atlanta 2017-09-20 11:45:05
A Marietta man was carjacked and shot to death in southwest Atlanta, police said.Martin Hvizda, 31, was found dead in the 500 block of Joseph E Lowery Boulevard. Police found the body of Martin Hvizda at an Exxon Mobile gas...
Keywords: A man was carjacked and killed, A man was carjacked and killed, A man was carjacked and killed, A man was carjacked and killed
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