The start of any relationship is a memorable one. So, when you are stepping into a relationship with someone special, make sure that you are very careful about the decisions you take. However, before you make the move, remember that there are some questions that you need to ask yourself so that the two of you can sail a journey together, longer than ever.
Are you ready? Ask yourself
If you have gone through a break-up recently, it seems to be easier to find someone’s arms to cuddle up, into. But you have to understand that this feeling will never lead you to a healthy relationship. The emotional vacancy, what you have been going through will be faded after few months and you will find the relationship to be a futile one and a big mistake later. You should survive the mood-swings yourself. So always try to take any decision regarding your relationship when you are in mentally stable condition.
Spend some time “Being Friends”
If you meet someone through your friend-circle or social media, spend some quality times with each other being friends, know each other’s, likings as well as dislikings. Again you have to keep it in your mind that being “just friends” and being in a relationship with the person is entirely different. So you have to understand the difference minutely. You have to judge whether it works out or not in terms of your relationship.
Don't rush into relationship!
It is always nice to live around without commitments right at the begining. You will only get ample time to know the person, but also reflect on what you feel about him/her. Don’t get closer very quickly. An honorable distance is always required in every relationship. Never put yourself in such a way that you can not get out of it, if something goes wrong.
Keep time for yourself!
In a new relationship you may feel most of the time to do something for the person you love. Your new lover may be running all the day in your mind. But in the course never forget to keep time for yourself. Give yourself a little time to think about yourself and your relationship.
Don’t push sex in hurry!
In every relationship, especially in new relationship the horny-o-meter pointer may goes into overdrive, just like the “love” factor. But it doesn’t mean that you should try and coerce your partner into having sex with you on the first or second date. Make it slow, and if both of you do end up having sex soon, so be it.
Accept each other
When you fall in love with someone new, fall in love at the same time, with a person who’s unique, not a splitting image of your dream lover. Instead of trying to change your partner, to fit your requirements, try to accept their habits. By restricting a lover or trying to change someone at the very beginning, you may be heading towards losing them forever.
Ask yourself, and listen to your heart. Let your brain feel free to satisfy your doubts. And walk together miles beyond you loved.
Also Read: Oops! Broken up? Try these ways to move on
By Prakriti Neogi