(Image source from: narfa.com)
The coronavirus pandemic has made people go haywire over their safety. Hence, it is crucial to know when to use a face mask for coronavirus protection rather than using it everywhere.
Whether to wear a mask or not has become a datable topic these days. Instead of going by the baseless allegations, it always preferable to go by what the scientific studies say.
According to a study published in the journal health affairs, about 2,30,000 cases have been prevented just by the usage of face masks.
Though we cannot fully control the infection spread, wearing proper face masks is the only thing we can do by ourselves to sustain the pandemic. However, people are either wearing face masks all day long or not them wearing at all. The perfect solution lies in knowing when to wear a face mask for maximum protection.
Let’s dive into the topic and know the do’s and don’ts of face masks.
Places where you must consider wearing a face mask:
Though it is not appropriate to say every State must make face masks mandatory, they must be used in accordance with the severity of the situation. If you are living in a place where the coronavirus cases are soaring, here are some of the places where face masks are mandatory.
At Work Place
(Image source from: zenefits.com)
While some businesses may weigh out the necessity of face coverings, but remember, using a face mask is not just for you but to protect your co-workers too. Since 80% of COVID-19 cases are asymptomatic you never know what’s going to happen.
The recent studies predict that face masks are going to be necessary at the work place until 2021.
It can get quite uncomfortable while attending phone calls at office wearing masks, businesses have to figure out a way to ensure even if the masks are removed for a certain time, the infection doesn’t spread.
Hospitals and health care areas
(Image source from: healtheuropa.eu)
Hospitals are the high-risk zones and it is advisable to skip going to these facilities unless it is an emergency. But, if you are compelled to go in case of an emergency, use a proper face or even a PPE kit for utmost protection. Use only medical masks when you visit the hospitals.
Grocery stores and other public places
(Image source from: voiceofoc.org)
Not visiting a grocery store at least once in a week is inevitable. So, wearing proper face masks is necessary whenever you step out.
The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention has recently issued guidelines stating, cloth face masks are efficient in curbing the spread of the virus.
Cloth face masks are readily available everywhere and you can also make your face mask at home.
You must also consider using face mask if:
- It is difficult for you to main the standard 6-feet distance in any public place, be it a busy street or a pharmacy.
- You are abided by the law. There are certain places where face masks are mandatory.
Places where you can skip using face masks:
- If you are in your personal space, like your house or even a backyard.
- In any other secluded location where people are sporadically spread and you won’t end up meeting them within 6-feet distance.
- You are below 2 years old.
- In your cars.
Why should you consider using cloth face coverings?
Surgical masks or N-95 respirators are for health care workers and medical responders. If you are not one of them, a simple hand-made cloth mask would also suffice for daily use, according to CDC. Moreover, cloth face masks are inexpensive and can be used by everyone. CDC also recently advised people to use cloth masks as it would be a greater help if you do not know if you have coronavirus and cloth mask can help curb the transmission.
Here’s how you can make your own cloth mask at home:
Now that you know the importance of face masks and how to use them effectively, it’s time to start implementing the measures to keep yourself and your family safe from the spread of COVID-19.
By Gayatri Yellayi