Pesticide residues in Food Makes Man impotent !Healthy Living

March 31, 2015 10:45

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Many Thinks that fruits and vegetables will nourish the skin, hair and fill new energy to beat the heat on bed – but the opinion has to be changed according to the new study conducted by the researchers at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. They have studied the men and their sperm power on the basis of eating habits.

They found that the men who ate strawberries, spinach, and peppers with higher or considerable pesticide levels had lower sperm count and shown abnormalities in their sperm quality also.  They first studied the connection between exposure to pesticide residues from fruits and vegetables and semen quality.

They have studied the data, in which 155 men registered in the Environment and Reproductive Health (EARTH). EARTH is an ongoing National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences-funded study at a fertility center in Boston. Data included 338 semen samples provided during 2007-2012 and validated survey information about participants' diets.

The shocking results depicted lower quality of sperm count (40 percent lower count) by the men who ate fruits and vegetables with higher levels of pesticide residue-more than 1.5 servings per day and 32 percent lower percentage of normal sperm. While, men who ate normal or moderate level of pesticide content in food had higher percentage as well as quality of sperm.

Study's senior author (of the study published in published in the journal Human Reproduction) Jorge Chavarro said that the findings should not discourage the consumption of fruit and vegetables in general, as they found that consuming more fruits and vegetables with low pesticide residues was beneficial.

It is suggested to all the men to observe all the elements in food, or try to consume which are grown on natural method. The impotency is dependent on many factors including the lifestyle, alcohol habits, working styles, and others. Having healthy food is good for all categories of people.


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