Superstar Rajinikanth has been shooting for his next upcoming movie Robo 2.0 and the film is said to be the sequel for his past super hit movie titled Robo. Sensational director Shankar is directing the film which has been delayed because of Rajini’s ill health. The movie is currently in final stages of shoot and the entire shoot will be wrapped up by the end of this year. Amy Jackson is playing the female lead in the movie and Akshay Kumar is the lead antagonist. Robo 2.0 is being made on a massive budget of Rs 350 crores and will have huge dose of VFX effects.
As per the latest update, Rajinikanth will be seen essaying three completely different roles in the film and the audience will be left thrilled with his looks in the film. Robo 2.0 will have one song which has been canned recently in Ukraine. AR Rahman is the music composer for Robo 2.0 and Lyca Productions is producing this prestigious movie. Robo 2.0 will complete all the post-production formalities and will hit the screens during the second half of 2017.