Megastar Chiranjeevi is on cloud nine after the release of God Father. The film marks the comeback for the actor after a disaster like Acharya. God Father is the remake of Malayalam political thriller Lucifer and it is directed by Mohan Raja. The film also has Chiranjeevi, Salman Khan, Nayanthara, Samuthirakani and Satyadev in the prominent roles. The film released on the occasion of Dasara and the film collected decent money during the Dasara long weekend. Having a good hold on weekdays, God Father is expected to end up as a decent hit at the box-office. Thaman scored the music and Konidela Production Company, Super Good Films are the producers.
Superstar watched #Godfather ?
— Mohan Raja (@jayam_mohanraja) October 10, 2022
Excellent!! very nice!! very interesting!!! are few of the remarks in his detailed appreciation on the adaptions made for the Telugu version.
Thank u so much Thalaiva @rajinikanth sir, one of the best moments of life.. means a lotttt
Superstar Rajinikanth watched God Father in a private screening and he appreciated the film. He called the director Mohan Raja and appreciated him. Mohan Raja took his twitter page to inform the same and he was delighted with the words of Rajinikanth. "Superstar watched #Godfather. Excellent!! very nice!! very interesting!!! are few of the remarks in his detailed appreciation on the adaptions made for the Telugu version. Thank u so much Thalaiva @rajinikanth sir, one of the best moments of life.. means a lotttt" posted Mohan Raja on his twitter page. The work of Mohan Raja is appreciated by the audience.