Elderly Parents of children presently settled abroad who are in the planning stages of permanently moving to foreign countries to settle with their children are urged to do a reality check, before making the decision to move permanently from India.
I have been made aware, many times of sad situations where elderly parents sell off everything they own in India and move overseas to live with their children. Only to find later that they have made a blunder and are stranded thousands of miles away with no hope of turning back and unable to voice their true feelings or sentiments to anyone due to family pressure and some times a sense of self-respect or shame.
While initially some parents are led to believe by their children that their lives will be much better off when they move to the advanced foreign countries, sadly many such parents find out that this is not the case.
In a majority of such cases it is financially not easy for parents in such circumstances to return to India.
Some children are willing to ruin their parents old age for selfish motives such as wanting to sell off their parents home in India so they can take this money. To get their parents to sell their lifelong family property they coax them into believing they must go abroad with them to settle down there. Statue of Liberty.
If you are a parent planning to join your children abroad for settlement, please explore all your options before making such a move. Many times we make decisions with our hearts without thinking through the pro's and con's.
NRIs usually overstate the facts of the conditions under which they may be living abroad when they visit their home countries.
Regardless of how hard they have to work to sustain themselves in the United States, Canada or Europe when visiting India they only speak about the so called good life abroad.
Economic conditions in the western countries are not as rosy as many people make out. While western countries are beginning to realize and talk about the improving economic situation in India, sadly many Indians fail to see the improving conditions in their homeland and still dream of moving to the west.
If you know of some elderly people who may be planning to move abroad, perhaps you may be able to ask them to read this article. Even if one person is helped this page is worth it.
Planning to move abroad? then do some research on your own. If you are an elderly parent then the best source would be parents who have already moved abroad. Speak with your children frankly and openly. Don't take things for granted. Ask questions, such as:
•What will you do there all day? When you son/daughter in law go to work.
•What about your grand children, are you expected to permanently baby sit them?
•Are you expected to cook and maintain the house? Remember there are no maids for middle class and even the upper middle class families in foreign countries.
If you are used to servants in India and leading a retired life, having a load of household responsibility on your shoulder may not be easy for many parents. Especially as you age.
While most NRIs love their children and their intentions are honorable. There are quite a few cases where children want their parents to help raise their children due to the high costs of baby sitting services abroad.
Strange as it may sound but I have seen cases of elderly parents who are left to cook and clean homes of their children while their sons/daughter in laws go to work during weekdays or party during weekends. Some parents do not even speak English and hence unable to even go out safely for a walk on their own.
I sincerely urge all NRIs to think carefully before they make their parents dispose off property and assets and move abroad. I advise parents to think things over before they burn all their bridges and move away from their homeland.
Seniors, if you have the slightest doubt about moving and find your self pondering over this question, consider a trail move. Spend at least a year abroad before deciding to sell or dispose off your assets in India. A two or three week vacation is not sufficient!
Source: NRI Information