Georgia Kids Experience Worst Childhoods: StudyHot Buzz

June 25, 2018 11:40
Georgia Kids Experience Worst Childhoods: Study

(Image source from: PBS)

Kids in Georgia experience some of the worst childhoods when it comes to various significant elements such as food insecurity and suicide.

The nonprofit group Save the Children released its "End of Childhood Report" earlier this month and found the United States ranks just 36th in the world, between Belarus and Russia, when it comes to what it calls "childhood enders."

In America, Georgia ranks 44th in whole in the country, tied with Alabama and Arkansas based on five childhood enders: infant mortality rate, child homicide and suicide rates, adolescent birth rates, child food insecurity rates and rates of children not graduating high school on time.

Georgia ranking categories:

Child deaths: 44
Malnourished children: 43
Student dropouts: 44
Child victims of violence: 33
The Child has a child: 32

Approximately 14 million American children lived in impoverishment in 2016, the report said. Nearly 12 million of those were in urban areas.

"When young children grow up in poverty, they are at higher risk of experiencing difficulties later in life having poor physical and mental health, becoming teen parents, dropping out of school and facing limited employment opportunities," the report says.

Kids who grow up in the Northeast are "far more likely" to see safe, secure and healthy childhoods than children in the South, including Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia.

The group found that rural child poverty rates were higher than urban rates in the vast majority of states. One in four kids in rural America lives in poverty. That number is one in five for urban areas.

"Children in rural America are more likely to die in infancy, miss out on meals, become pregnant as teenagers and not attend college," Mark Shriver, the group's senior vice president for U.S. programs and advocacy, said in a release. "Rural child poverty rates have been persistently high for at least three generations in the U.S."

By Sowmya Sangam

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