(Image source from: James Bond comes back!})
William Boyd has left James Bond affect strongly, if not cause irregular vibrations. The British writer has taken on the fictional spy in Solo, a new 007 novel that balances strict observance to Ian Fleming's iconic character accompanied by delicate changes. Bond fans will find much they recognise along characterized by some as through unexpectedness one of which is that in Boyd's mind, James Bond looks like Daniel Day-Lewis. Boyd expressed Fleming once described the spy as looking like the American singer-songwriter Hoagy Carmichael. Daniel Day-Lewis looks like Hoagy Carmichael.
Solo is established in 1969 at the same time takes the smoothly agreeable British spy from London's luxuriant Dorchester Hotel to a war damaged West African country as well as on to Washington on a hazardous lonely mission. Boyd follows Bond away from his big-screen action-hero image and back toward the complex and opposition character of Fleming's novels.
That's a great moment for Bond fans!