Atlanta Ranks At 38 Among 100 Most Economically Segregated CitiesTop Stories

April 15, 2017 05:27
Atlanta Ranks At 38 Among 100 Most Economically Segregated Cities

A new study shows that Atlanta is one of the most economically segregated cities in the United States. The Urban Institute conducted a study, titled “The Cost of Segregation: National Trends and the Case of Chicago, 1990–2010,” utilized demographic data from the year 1990 to 2010 and specifically examined the relationships between the race, income and de facto segregation for number of American cities.

In the economic segregation report, Atlanta ranked at 38th place out of the top 100 cities analysed, which is a phenomenon in which the people of similar economic statuses tend to live in same area; according to the research by Pew Center, roughly 70 percent of the Americans lived in middle-income or mixed-income neighborhoods in the year 2010, though the number of lower and higher income households living in the areas with similar economic standards had increased by 8 percent and also doubled, respectively, over the period of the prior 30 years.

In this category of segregation, New York City ranked as the first with most economic segregation and Eugene, Oregon stand at the least.

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Atlanta further ranked at 26th place in the Latino-white segregation and 41st place in black-white segregation. The most economic segregated metro areas in those categories were Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Reading, Pennsylvania respectively, with the greater disparities between cities towards the top of black-white segregation list. Eugene, Oregon was again standing at the least segregated metro area in these two categories. However, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution has reported in their article on the research that Eugene is 85 percent white and less than 1 percent black.

Report frames that this data analysis within the context of the prospective economic benefits to greater integration. The report uncovers that more economically and racially inclusive regions tend to have higher black per capita and also median household incomes, higher degrees of education, lower homicide rates and also higher overall life expectancies.

Mrudula Duddempudi.

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