The students at Harvard University were screaming at shouting after the internet sensation from Korean Pop music, PSY was at the university to pay tribute to the valiant soldiers and others who lost their lives in World War I.
PSY talked jovially with his casual jocular attitude as always despite his presence at the prestigious IVY League University. He even commented mocking himself that his presence at the school was so weird. He recalled spending four years studying management at Boston University while marvelling at Harvard from afar.
Park Jae-sang, who is better known as PSY with the pop sensations on YouTube, said that he should be the first ever person in Harvard who spoke in the college without any written script. A Harvard Korean History professor, Carter Eckert said that the discussion considered PSY as a modern global digital culture phenomenon.
However, the discussion hardly seemed to have the serious air of discussions which are generally the norm at institutes like Harvard, thanks to PSY who never left one opportunity to crack a joke go waste!
(AW- Anil)