The Secunderabad station police seized over fifty kilos of ganja from the Vishaka Express this morning. As per sources the cops were on a routine check up when the haul was affected. The consignment was to be smuggled to Surat say police sources.
The railway police in the early hours seized a consignment of ganja leaves which were smuggled in to the city. A consignment coming by the Vishaka Express was opened by the sleuths in which, the smuggled contraband was found. Four people were arrested in this regards. The consignment was bound to Gujarat say sources.
It may be noted that smuggling of Ganja in the east Godavari district has been virulent since sometime and off-late more. The agency area in the district has been ideally the best place to harvest the contraband. Critics feel that the rise is attributed mainly due to political patronage. The death of a noted ganja smuggler Y Ramavaram in the district in an encounter last week astonished the state. The idea that these gangs are so well equipped with weapons goes on to prove high hands involved in the game. Even the sleuths are planning to register cases against ganja smugglers under the Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act (TADA). The cases have become regular and most suspect the Maoists hands in the issue. (With inputs from internet: AarKay)