T-Congress MPs silent on KK re-nominationTop Stories

March 21, 2012 11:24
T-Congress MPs silent on KK re-nomination

Congress MPs hailing from the Telangana region seemed to maintain silence on the issue of re-nominating the former Rajya Sabha member K Keasavarao. May they felt when speech is silver, silence is golden. This is the attitude of the MPs, who were earlier forcing the Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy on the issue of sending KK to the Rajya Sabha for the second session. The last one week there were extensive parleys of the MPs in the region on the issue to the CM, but the last two day the silence is worth noting. Probably it is fear or hatred to the high command decision on not nominating KK, is yet to be gauged.

Notably the ongoing by-polls in the six constituencies in the Telangana region, most MPs of the region refrained from even canvassing for the party with rare exceptions like the Waranga MP Rajayyah. Other leaders like Madhu Yashki, Jagannatham, Ponnam Prabhakar, Gutta Sukendar, Vivek, Komati Reddy Rajagopal Reddy too were off the scene. And another point which is to be noted is that many leaders in the region lost hopes of favorable outcome for the party in the by-polls.

Whatever be the reasons the sudden silence gives mouth to the critics, who feel that there is a sense of TRS gaining strengths. On any account whether the dissent leaders opt for joining the TRS or by staying in their own party, it adds value to the TRS stature in the present scenario, predict political pundits. Notably when KK made a press address on the issue none of the congress leaders accompanied the leader. (With inputs from internet- AarKay)

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