Powerstar Pawan Kalyan is all set to test his luck with Bheemla Nayak, an action-packed entertainer that is the remake of Malayalam blockbuster Ayyappanum Koshiyum. Trivikram penned the screenplay, dialogues for Bheemla Nayak and Saagar Chandra is the director. Nithya Menen is the leading lady and Rana Daggubati will be seen in other powerful role. The makers unveiled the trailer of Bheemla Nayak last night and it is well cut presenting Pawan Kalyan in a powerful avatar.
Bheemla Nayak trailer is packed with action and Pawan performed with ease. The conflict episodes between Pawan Kalyan and Rana Daggubati are the major highlights of the film. Thaman's background score is an asset and the major portion of the film is completed in Aluminium Factory, Hyderabad. The film's theatrical and non-theatrical rights are sold for record prices. Sithara Entertainments are the producers and the film is gearing up for February 25th release. Pawan Kalyan plays a cop in this action entertainer.