Powerstar Pawan Kalyan is testing his luck with Bheemla Nayak and the film is the next release for the actor after Vakeel Saab. Saagar Chandra is the director and Pawan Kalyan, Rana Daggubati, Nithya Menen are the lead actors in this mass entertainer which is the remake of Malayalam blockbuster film Ayyappanum Koshiyum. The movie is announced for February 25th release across the globe in Telugu and Hindi languages. Trivikram penned the script and dialogues of Bheemla Nayak.
#BheemlaNayak censor formalities are done & certified with U/A! ?
— Sithara Entertainments (@SitharaEnts) February 18, 2022
All set for #BheemlaNayakOn25thFeb @PawanKalyan @RanaDaggubati #Trivikram @saagar_chandrak @MenenNithya @MusicThaman @iamsamyuktha_ @dop007 @NavinNooli @vamsi84 @SitharaEnts @adityamusic pic.twitter.com/AVLEITw8Gs
The movie completed all the censor formalities and it has been awarded U/A certificate. The runtime is locked to be 2 hours and 25 minutes. Thaman's music album is already a smashing hit and is on the top of the music charts. Sithara Entertainments are the producers and the fans are eagerly waiting for the release of Bheemla Nayak. The theatrical and non-theatrical rights of the film are sold out and the makers are in profits even before the release of the film. Pawan Kalyan plays a powerful cop in this mass entertainer.