RRR happens to be the most awaited Indian film of the year. The country's top director SS Rajamouli is carving out this big-budget periodic drama that is planned on a budget of Rs 450 crores. Tollywood stars NTR and Ram Charan are playing Komaram Bheem and Alluri Seetharama Raju respectively. The shoot of the film reached the final stages and the makers announced that RRR will head for a theatrical release on October 13th across the globe. Today, the making video of the film is unveiled with the name 'Roar of RRR'. The video is packed with action and it narrates about the efforts of the team of RRR. Thousands of people worked day and night to recreate the magic and vision of SS Rajamouli.
The top director also narrated that it is teamwork and introduced his technicians with the making video. Massive sets are constructed and thousands of junior artists worked for the movie. The making video is a visual feast and is packed with action. Both Ram Charan and NTR have done some risky and dare devil stunts for the movie. MM Keeravani's background score elevates the entire making video and it is well cut. On the whole, RRR making video will promise a visual feast for the audience. NTR, Ram Charan, Alia Bhatt and Olivia Morris are the lead actors and Ajay Devgn, Samuthirakani, Shriya Saran will be seen in other crucial roles. RRR is produced by DVV Entertainment.