Megastar Chiranjeevi and top director Koratala Siva are working together for the first time for Acharya and the film is a high-voltage action drama that has a strong social message for the society. For the first time, Chiranjeevi and Charan will be seen teaming up together (other than cameos) in Acharya and the duo essay the roles of Naxalites in Acharya. Kajal Aggarwal is paired up beside Chiranjeevi and Pooja Hegde is paired up beside Ram Charan. With the second wave of coronavirus all over, the shoot of Acharya is kept on hold for now. Chiranjeevi decided to call off the shoot after the situations are alarming in and around Hyderabad. The new cases reported for coronavirus in Telangana are huge in the recent week.
Acharya is made on a budget of Rs 150 crores and the film is announced for May 13th release across the globe. The theatrical and non-theatrical rights of Acharya are sold for record prices and Manisharma is on board as the music director for this social drama. The teaser and the songs received exceptional response from the audience. Matinee Entertainments are the producers. The film is now out of summer race and a new release date of Acharya will be announced once the situations in the state turn normal. Sonu Sood will be seen in an interesting role and the talented actor is tested positive for coronavirus recently. Chiranjeevi too is extra cautious about shooting during this tough time.