Mega actor Ram Charan is banking high on RRR, the prestigious periodic drama that is directed by SS Rajamouli. The movie is made on a budget of Rs 450 crores and is hitting the screens for Dasara this year. NTR is the other lead actor and the film is carrying terrific expectations. Ram Charan will also play an important and crucial role in Chiranjeevi's Acharya which is aimed for summer release this year. Koratala Siva directs this film and the shooting portions will be completed by March.
A milestone film for us! #SVC50 will unite two big forces as never seen before
Sri Venkateswara Creations (@SVC_official) February 12, 2021
Privileged and happy to join hands with Mega Powerstar @AlwaysRamCharan and the Show Man of Indian Cinema @shankarshanmugh.@SVC_official #RC15
Ram Charan is holding talks with several directors for his next and he also rejected several scripts. With several speculations going on, Ram Charan himself made an official announcement about his next film. Top director Shankar narrated a script to Charan and impressed the Tollywood actor. The film will start rolling during the second half of the year and it will release in 2022 in all the Indian languages. Top producer Dil Raju's Sri Venkateswara Creations are the producers. The pre-production work of the film is happening at a fast pace currently.
By Siva Kumar