Powerstar Pawan Kalyan is occupied with back to back films. The actor is making his comeback with Vakeel Saab, a court drama that is based on Hindi film Pink. Sriram Venu is the director and the entire shoot of the film will be wrapped up by the end of December. Pawan Kalyan will next be seen in the remake of Ayyappanum Koshiyum and the film got its official launch with a pooja ceremony in Hyderabad. Saagar Chandra is on board as the director and there are a lot of speculations about the other lead actor.
Pooja ceremony completed! ?
— Sithara Entertainments (@SitharaEnts) December 21, 2020
Regular Shoot from January #PSPKRanaMoviebegins Power Star @PawanKalyan #Trivikram @RanaDaggubati @MusicThaman @saagar_chandrak @vamsi84 @SitharaEnts pic.twitter.com/dHgQarIHOm
The makers of Ayyappanum Koshiyum remake today made an official announcement that Tollywood handsome hunk Rana Daggubati will play the other lead role in the remake. Sai Pallavi and Aishwarya Rajesh are the heroines and several prominent actors will be seen in other crucial roles. S Thaman is composing the music and background score. He already composed the songs for this emotional entertainer. Sithara Entertainments are the producers and Ayyappanum Koshiyum remake releases in summer. The film is yet to be titled and is high on expectations.