Nandamuri Balakrishna is occupied with disasters and the actor is yet to bounce back. He pinned all his hopes on his next film that is directed by Boyapati Srinu. The film is rumored to be titled Monarch and an official announcement will be made by the makers about the title and the leading lady. There are strong speculations that Balakrishna will be seen essaying a role with dual shades. In one of them, he would be playing the role of aghora and Boyapati Srinu confirmed the news.
Boyapati is quite cautious and he is busy designing the role and the looks. The sketches are ready recently and a look test was conducted recently. Boyapati and Balakrishna are extremely impressed with the look of Balakrishna as aghora. The shoot of the film is currently kept on hold and it will start soon after the coronavirus cases turn minimal. Balakrishna is keen to join the sets from next year. Miryala Ravindar Reddy is the director. The recently released first roar received a sounding response from the audience.