Super talented Suriya has been struggling from the past few months for his next movie titled Singam 3. The movie’s shoot has been wrapped up last year during October however the release of the film has been delayed several times. Suriya pinned massive hopes on the movie and he produced the film on his own banner 2D Entertainments. Hari directed the movie and Suriya will be seen as a cop in the movie. Singam 3 has been made on a massive budget and is carrying huge expectations.
After several delays, the movie has been finally aimed for February 9th release in Telugu and Tamil. Suriya is personally taking care of the film’s promotions and his fans have been eagerly waiting for the film’s release. The advance bookings have been extremely stupendous and Singam 3 is expected to take a stupendous started all over. Shruti Haasan and Anushka played the female leads in the movie and Suriya will be seen as a powerful cop in Singam 3.