Super talented Suriya wrapped up the shoot of his next Singam 3 sometime ago. However the release of the movie has been delayed several times and finally the makers revealed that the film will hit the screens in Telugu and Tamil on February 9th all over. Hari directed this action entertainer and Anushka, Shruti Haasan played the female leads. Suriya will be seen as a cop in Singam 3 and the movie has been slated for a massive release.
The update is that the leading Tamil piracy portal Tamil Rockers came out with a sensational statement that they will stream the entire film on the release day at 11 AM all over which has become a sensation. They challenged the film’s producers Suriya and KE Gnanvelraja about this amd the makers are currently working to face the leading portal. Harris Jayraj composed the music and Suriya produced Singam 3 on 2D Entertaiments banner.