Mega Powerstar Ramcharan is back with his latest outing titled Dhruva which has been directed by Surendar Reddy. The movie is one of the most awaited films and the trailer, songs have been well accepted by the audience. Rakul Preet Singh played the female lead and Dhruva is the remake of Tamil blockbuster Thani Oruvan. Dhruva has been made on a massive budget and Charan took special care on the film right from the shoot till the promotions. Dhruva released all over yesterday and the movie received decent response from the audience.
The movie minted Rs 10.57 crores on its first day which has been decent. The movie opened to average occupancy and the response has been decent. Ramcharan along with Surendar Reddy and Aravind Swamy graced the special premieres of the film in USA. Allu Aravind produced Dhruva on Geetha Arts banner. Here are the area-wise collections of the film on day one:
Nizam | 3.26Cr |
Ceeded | 2.07Cr |
UA | 1.32Cr |
Guntur | 1.08Cr |
East | 0.85Cr |
West | 0.90Cr |
Krishna | 0.68Cr |
Nellore | 0.41Cr |
Total | 10.57Cr |