Mega Powerstar Ramcharan desperately needs a hit and he has been put massive effort for his upcoming movie titled Dhruva. Directed by Surendar Reddy, the movie is said to be a stylish action entertainer and Rakul Preet Singh played the female lead. Dhruva is the remake of Tamil blockbuster Thani Oruvan and the pre-release event of the film has been held last night in Hyderabad in the presence of the movie unit and other crew. KTR and VV Vinayak attended as Chief guests for the pre-release event.
The event has been a massive hit and the audience have been left thrilled with the happenings. The visuals of the songs have been unveiled during the event which are now trending all over. All the guests who attended the event praised Charan for his dedication. Hiphop Thamiza composed the music and Allu Aravind bankrolled Dhruva. Ramcharan cheered up the fans with his entertaining speech throughout. Dhruva is all set for December 9th release all over and Charan is extensively promoting the film.