WhatsApp to get an 'undo' button for Deleted Messages 2022-06-04 13:58:22
Deleting messages is one of the best features available on WhatsApp. One can instantly delete the messages from the messaging platform. If the user chooses 'Delete for Me' option instead of 'Delete for Everyone', they will have to delete the...
Keywords: WhatsApp undo, WhatsApp upcoming features, WhatsApp breaking news, WhatsApp rolls out
Read MoreWhatsApp New Feature Lets Users to Choose who can add them to Groups 2019-02-15 13:11:32
WhatsApp is working on a new feature which will give users more control over groups on the app. This new feature is currently being tested on the iOS beta version of WhatsApp. It will prevent users from being added to...
Keywords: group invitation, whatspp ios group, prevent users group whatsapp, whatsapp users group
Read MoreWhatsApp adds “Delete messages” feature in latest beta 2019-12-27 09:04:22
WhatsApp experiencing frequent addition of features. As rumored about a feature calling “disappearing messages” back in October, the feature has now been spotted in the latest version 2.19.275 of WhatsApp Beta for android. The feature has been renamed to “Delete...
Keywords: android, android, WhatsApp, beta
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