Donald Trump says US-China relationship must improve! 2016-12-09 07:01:23
President-elect Donald Trump says the United States needed to improve its relationship with China, that he criticized for its economic policies and failure to rein in North Korea. Trump said at a rally in Iowa, that, "One of the most...
Keywords: Donald Trump, Donald Trump, US-China relationship, Donald Trump
Read MoreTrump has no idea how to run a superpower! 2016-12-19 14:35:04
The Chinese media says, the United States president-elect Donald Trump appears to have not a clue how to lead a superpower. China’s Global Times newspaper wrote in its editorial, that, “Trump is not behaving as a president who will become...
Keywords: Chinese media, Chinese media, how to run a superpower, China’s Global Times
Read MoreObama urges Trump: Don't let China ties slide into full conflict mode 2016-12-17 07:31:28
The outgoing president Barack Obama cautioned president-elect Donald Trump against allowing relations with China to slip into “full conflict mode” as Trump put Beijing’s nose out of joint with a succession of controversial pre-inauguration foreign policy interventions. While Speaking at...
Keywords: US-China Ties, Obama urges Trump, US-China Ties, Obama and Trump
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