Search Results On telangana state (Page 1 of 4)

telangana state (Page 1 of 4)

  • Indian youngster, Indian dies in Ukraine, indian youngster drowns in ukraine river, Telangana state

    Indian Youngster Drowns in Ukraine River 2019-08-12 12:19:24

    An Indian origin youngster drowned in a river in Ukraine on Saturday after going for swimming in Feofania Park. Hailing from Hyderabad, the 21-year-old Jaspreet Singh Bhatia was studying second-year BBA in Amity University, Mumbai. According to his family, he left...

    Keywords: Ukraine embassy, Jaspreet Singh Bhatia, Ukraine embassy, Indian dies in Ukraine

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    calculator, calculator, 20 year old telangana boy is now the fastest human calculator not shakuntala devi, Telangana state

    20-year old Telangana boy is now the fastest human calculator, not Shakuntala Devi 2020-08-26 05:53:55

    Neelakanta Bhanu Prakash won gold in the World Championship at Mind Sports Olympiad (MSO) in the category of mental calculation. A 20-year-old Hyderabad boy becomes the fastest human calculator in the world by breaking the record of Shakuntala Devi. Neelakanta...

    Keywords: ability, calculator, championship, mathematics

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    Global Healthcare Summit, NRI doctors, special support from indian govt to nri doctors willing to comeback home, Telangana state

    Special Support from Indian Govt. to NRI Doctors Willing to Comeback Home 2019-07-23 07:22:55

    During a health summit, the Indian Union Health Minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan announced special support from government to Non-Resident Indian (NRI) physicians willing to come back to India and provide healthcare to deprived patients back home. The 13th annual Global...

    Keywords: NRI doctors, Global Healthcare Summit 2019, Global Healthcare Summit, Global Healthcare Summit

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    Telangana, NRI, nri finally returns home after long legal battle in saudi arabia, Telangana state

    NRI Finally Returns Home After Long Legal Battle in Saudi Arabia 2019-08-19 13:23:45

    A Non-Resident Indian hailing from Telangana who was accused of forging Iqama, a resident visa, returned home recently after battling for justice for three years in Saudi Arabia. The 68-year-old Gandam Narsaiah originally from Chandurti Mandal in Rajanna Sircilla district...

    Keywords: Saudi arabia, Saudi arabia, Telangana, Telangana

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    indian population in uae 2018, how many pakistani in uae, telugu diaspora in gulf favoring bjp claims senior leader, Telangana state

    Telugu Diaspora in Gulf Favoring BJP, Claims Senior Leader 2019-08-12 07:07:45

    A senior leader of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) claimed that Indians in Gulf countries hailing from Telangana state have begun showing favoritism towards the party after the cancellation of Article 370 of the Constitution of India, which granted special status to...

    Keywords: BJP, pakistani population in uae, kerala population in uae 2018, BJP

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    telangana police, safety cell for NRIs, telangana state police set up safety cell to safeguard rights of nri women, Telangana state

    Telangana State Police Set up Safety Cell to Safeguard Rights of NRI Women 2019-07-18 09:59:53

    Taking into account the safety of women from Telangana who are living abroad, the state police inaugurated a Women Safety Cell for Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) on Wednesday.The NRI women safety cell aims to provide legal guidance to aggrieved women in...

    Keywords: telangana police, safety cell for NRIs, safety cell for NRIs, rights of nri women

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