Search Results On national weather service (Page 1 of 3)

national weather service (Page 1 of 3)

  • United States, hot weather in US, u s heat wave millions suffer as hot weather intensifies, National weather service

    U.S. Heat Wave: Millions Suffer as Hot Weather Intensifies 2019-07-22 08:34:01

    On Sunday, the United States sweltered in dangerously hot weather, with major cities including Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, and New York scorching in temperatures rising into triple digits.The sultry heatwave stretching from the Midwestern plains to the Atlantic coast had almost...

    Keywords: temperature in US, US, temperature in US, hot weather in US

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    USA flights canceled, USA flights canceled latest, power cut thousands of flights cancelled strong storms in usa, National weather service

    Power Cut, Thousands Of Flights Cancelled, Strong Storms In USA 2023-08-08 09:20:50

    Thousands of flights have been cancelled and delayed in the USA. Electricity was shut, schools were closed and people of many states were asked to stay indoors as the east part of the USA is preparing for the worst hit...

    Keywords: USA canceled, USA flights canceled, USA flights, USA weather

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    midwest cities, midwest cities in US, midwest cities in bid to keep homeless from chancy cold, National weather service

    Midwest Cities in Bid to Keep Homeless from Chancy Cold 2019-01-30 09:52:27

    The temperature plunge in Midwest cities in the United States, officials were prompted to take extraordinary steps to protect the homeless and other vulnerable people from the bitter cold, including turning some city buses into mobile warming shelters in Chicago....

    Keywords: midwest cities, midwest weather today, weather channel, midwest weather

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    Tennesse Floods on Saturday, Tennesse Floods loss, floods in usa s tennesse 22 dead, National weather service

    Floods in USA's Tennesse: 22 Dead 2021-08-23 09:32:38

    22 people were killed and several people were rescued after massive floods attacked the American state of Tennesse. Several homes are completely destroyed and debris tangled. As per the reports, hundreds of people went missing because of the floods in...

    Keywords: USA, Tennesse Floods news, Tennesse Floods breaking news, Tennesse Floods pictures

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    Solar Storm damage, Solar Storm shocks, a high speed solar storm may hit earth this weekend, National weather service

    A high-speed solar storm may hit Earth this Weekend 2021-07-13 06:42:10

    The coronavirus pandemic turned out to be a major disaster for mankind. The experts now hint about a solar storm that will hit the earth this weekend. A geomagnetic storm will hit the atmosphere of the earth this weekend and...

    Keywords: Solar Storm predictions, Solar Storm, Solar Storm, Solar Storm speed

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    polar vortex forecast, polar vortex split, polar vortex extreme colds hits u s midwest 21 killed, National weather service

    Polar Vortex: Extreme Colds Hits U.S. Midwest, 21 Killed 2019-02-01 11:22:37

    About 21 people were killed as Polar Vortex continued to freeze the United States Midwest, dipping temperatures to record lows in the region, according to media reports. The Midwest region comprises Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North...

    Keywords: polar vortex forecast, polar vortex split, how does a polar vortex work, Polar Vortex

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