Search Results On immigrant children

immigrant children

  • Children of H1B visa, Children of H1B visa, kids of h1b immigrants become dream differed as they turn out to be aging 21, Immigrant children

    Kids of H1B immigrants become dream differed as they turn out to be aging 21 2018-05-05 10:12:52

    A community of Skilled Immigrants in America (SIIA), with over 150,000 workers, who were also applicants of Permanent Residence, have estimated that, there are about 1.5million highly skilled immigrants, as of now facing the green card backlog, Parents of those...

    Keywords: H4 visa issues, Immigrant children, Immigrant children, Children of H1B visa

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    government, Federal Judge, u s govt accountable to locate parents of separated children federal judge, Immigrant children

    U.S. Govt. Accountable to Locate Parents of Separated Children: Federal Judge 2018-08-04 06:37:56

    The federal judge of the United States who order the reunification of seperated families in the southern United States border said it was responsibility of government to locate parents deported without their children. According to government figures submitted to the...

    Keywords: Federal Judge, government, Federal Judge, US

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    Trump, parents, 245 separated immigrant children still in custody say officials, Immigrant children

    245 Separated Immigrant Children Still in Custody, Say Officials 2018-10-16 10:00:58

    A total of 245 separated children from their undocumented immigrant families were still in the United States custody, officials said in a court filing. According to government figures, most of the 245 children in custody have parents who were removed...

    Keywords: government, court filing, Donald Trump, court filing

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    Zero tolerance policy, UN, practice of separating families amounts to arbitrary and unlawful interference says un, Immigrant children

    Practice of separating families amounts to arbitrary and unlawful interference, says UN 2018-06-05 11:52:49

    The United Nations advised American state to instantly halt its contentious activity of dividing Central American undocumented migrant children from their parents at the southern border. The UN rights said that it is profoundly concerned over the zero tolerance policy...

    Keywords: United States, separating families, UN, arbitrary

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