Swim for a Healthy Heart 2020-01-10 09:22:38
Swimming is the best exercise to lose weight and tone your muscles but the lesser known fact is that swimming also helps in maintaining a healthy heart. Swimming strengthens the heart by increasing the efficiency to pump blood.It is said...
Keywords: metabolism, swimming, breathing, metabolism
Read MoreHere are Some Tips for a Healthy Heart 2022-03-19 12:20:05
Heart attacks are quite common these days and there is no age limit for heart attack. Crores of people have passed away due to heart attacks post Covid. Most of them are on alert after the shocking heart attack news...
Keywords: Heart Attacks, Healthy Heart new tips, Healthy Heart breaking news, Healthy Heart breaking news
Read MoreWhy Eating Poha Everyday in Breakfast Is Good for Health 2019-06-03 10:18:36
Poha, a delicious traditional India’s favorite breakfasts, is basically flattened rice and is easily digestible. Poha is lactose-free, heart healthy and fat-free. It is a good source of eleven vital minerals and vitamins including iron. Here we have listed a...
Keywords: poha good for health, poha vs oats, is eating raw poha good for health, poha nutritional value per 100g
Read MoreCardiovascular disease affecting young Indians ahead of Western counterparts! 2016-09-30 12:08:35
Around 25 per cent deaths in India has been caused due to the cardiovascular disorders, however, the young population with a sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy eating habits and genetic predisposition are adding to the crisis. According to the research, heart disease...
Keywords: young Indians, Cardiovascular disease, Heart diseases, young Indians
Read More6 benefits of Dark Chocolate 2019-12-17 11:56:13
If you are one of those craving for a dark chocolate everyday, now you have an excuse- or six. A dark chocolate with cacao content over 60% with a bitter taste is beneficial for your health. Chocolates are made from...
Keywords: lowering blood pressure, flavanols, dark chocolate, cholesterol
Read MoreCardiovascular Exercises to improve your Heart's Health 2024-07-13 14:59:25
Does your heart sometimes pound after just a short time, which is a sign that your heart may need more care and attention? Heart health is vital to overall health and fitness. The heart acts as a powerhouse that keeps...
Keywords: Cardiovascular Exercises visuals, Cardiovascular Exercises for Heart, Cardiovascular Exercises latest, Cardiovascular Exercises for Heart
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