Search Results On dental problems

dental problems

  • Dos and Don’ts During Pregnancy, pregnancy tips., dos and don ts during pregnancy, Dental problems

    Dos and Don’ts During Pregnancy 2013-08-27 13:12:59

    Just found out that you’re pregnant? You’ll hear plenty of advice from well-meaning neighbours and friends, not to mention overzealous family members, who will suggest all sorts of remedies and things you should meticulously avoid and things you should religiously...

    Keywords: pregnancy care, pregnancy time, Dos and Don’ts During Pregnancy, Dos and Don’ts During Pregnancy

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    tips for smokers, smokers india, oral health warning for smokers, Dental problems

    Oral Health Warning For Smokers 2012-02-11 12:43:54

    Smokers are getting a timely reminder about the dental damage they are incurring with their nicotine addiction. Regularly smoking cigarettes dramatically increases the risk of getting diseases such as mouth cancer and the nicotine ingredient also stains teeth leaving them...

    Keywords: smokers india, smokers india, smokers india, tips for smokers

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    Over-brushing latest, Over-brushing news, can over brushing harm your teeth, Dental problems

    Can over-brushing harm your teeth? 2024-10-29 14:36:27

    Brushing your teeth is very important for maintaining oral health, but brushing too often or using the wrong method can actually damage your teeth and lead to enamel erosion, tooth sensitivity, and even permanent damage. Experts warn that excessive or...

    Keywords: Over-brushing, Over-brushing tips, Over-brushing good, Over-brushing bad

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    Healthy Foods, Healthy Foods: Health Benefits of Black Pepper, healthy foods health benefits of black pepper, Dental problems

    Healthy Foods: Health Benefits of Black Pepper 2013-08-27 13:45:20

    It’s a severely underused spice in our country. Apart from enhancing the flavour of our food, black pepper has some amazing healing properties that can cure vitiligo, aid digestion and even lessen joint pain.Black pepper is only used in food...

    Keywords: Healthy Foods, black pepper, black pepper, health

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    polyphenol, dental problems, why green tea is an absolute must, Dental problems

    Why green tea is an absolute must? 2013-07-17 11:07:01

    If you aren't hooked to green tea yet, it's about time for your tea to “go green”. Studies reveal that gulping two or more cups of  antioxidant dense green tea every day won't just keep cancer at bay, but also...

    Keywords: green tea, green tea and health, dental problems, Why green tea is an absolute must

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