Search Results On congress rout in up

congress rout in up

  • effect of U.P polls on AP by polls, effect of U.P polls on AP by polls, no u p effect on ap by polls purandhari, Congress rout in up

    No U.P. effect on AP by-polls: Purandhari 2012-03-08 11:34:18

    Union Minister of State for Human Resources Ms Purandhareswari said the congress party leadership will take steps to ensure that the adverse influence of the results of assembly elections in five states doesn’t fall on the by-polls in state. Speaking...

    Keywords: U.P. polls, U.P. polls, election results, U.P. polls

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    resignation of Mayawathi, Mayawathi, mayawathi resigns as u p cm, Congress rout in up

    Mayawathi resigns as U.P CM 2012-03-07 07:23:05

    Uttar Pradesh outgoing Chief Minister and BSP leader Mayawathi today tendered her resignation to the Governor BL Joshi following her party’s debacle in the state assembly elections. Governor has accepted her resignation and advised her to continue as care taker...

    Keywords: resignation of Mayawathi, UP elections, Mayawathi, UP elections

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    T sentiment, spree of suicides, suicide bid for t state foiled at wanaparthi, Congress rout in up

    Suicide bid for T state foiled at Wanaparthi 2012-03-26 10:03:22

    The Telangana issue, which stole the limelight after the congress rout in the recent by polls, continues to disturb the Telangana youth mentally. After two suicides were reported in the last three days over the Telangana issue, another youth from...

    Keywords: suicides, suicides, T sentiment, suicides

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