Harsh truth of BreakupRelationship

October 30, 2014 11:40
Harsh truth of Breakup},{Harsh truth of Breakup

(Image source from: Harsh truth of Breakup})

Some helpful pointers and absolute truths about the worst part of any relationship.

It can hurt - a lot.
When a relationship ends some may feel acute pain when forced to acknowledge that a relationship or friendship has run its course.

Not only a partner or friend been lost, but your assumptions and beliefs about the future of the relationship have been lost as well.

If women are unable to maintain a relationship or friendship, they may feel disappointed in themselves, not just their partners or friends.

The inability to keep a relationship on track, even if the other person is to blame, can be perceived as a personal failure.

Mutual friends may be lost.

When a marriage, romantic relationships, or friendship is dissolved,it will likely result in “collateral damage” within intersecting friendscapes.

When a former confidante shows allegiance to the former partner or friend with whom you’ve fallen out, it can lead to a double dose of emotional fallout.

You may be angry at the friend whose behavior led to the break-up—and sad and confused that another friend sided with the other person over you.

You will be lonely.

Without having something positive to fill in the void, you may feel acutely lonely, even if you're glad to be free of a toxic relationship.

Even as you find new engaging activities, the sense of loneliness may linger.

However, if the loneliness grows with time and impedes your normal functioning, you may want to speak with a counselor to help you work through this emotional response.

Missing companionship is normal; obsessing or dwelling on your misery is not.

It will get easier.

While many say that time heals all wounds, it is probably more true to say that distance allows us to keep our focus on other, more current concerns.

Humans are remarkably resilient, and while a longing for a former partner's or friend’s presence may not evaporate completely, with time it will take up less space in your head and heart.

Eventually, the loss will begin to feel more like your history, not your present. Ending even a difficult or unsatisfying relationship can create another set of emotional challenges.

Aw: Arum kumar

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