Who does not seek a secured future and a safe financial status? If you wish to have it, ensure that you avoid spending too much in few areas. This is because, the happiness you obtain through materialistic things do not last long. They are momentary. And hence, overspending can ruin your financial status. Spend wisely to save your pockets. Achieve financial stability in a long run. Avoid overspending on these.
Say no to more Movies
Even though you wish to watch movies, do not throw money on watching them on theaters in the week ends. Instead, plan to watch them during week days, when the rates are low. You may also wait for few days to watch them at home on television. Numerous channels on TV buy the movie rights and telecast them within few days of the release of the film.
Don’t use cards!
Say no to calls offering credit cards. Even if you want one, choose the right one which offers great rewards. If you don’t need it at all, say straight no.
Is spending on Fast food worth it?
Most of us are aware of the ill effects of fast food on health, yet opt for it as a convenient and easy choice. Spending high over junk food would not only harm your health but also keep you at a distance from savings.
Fashion to a limit
Yes, you have to spend some amount on fashion and jewelry. But ensure that you do not over spend and ruin your savings. While spending on jewelry, think twice and decide on what and how much to spend.
- Sumana