(Image source from: Sugary Drinks may destroy livers?})
Most of the children and youth have been addicted to the sugary drinks alongside with the junk foods for taste, which can harm them if consumed in more quantities and frequently.
Already there have been reports that the sugar sweetened beverages are causing early menstruations and periods in girls, while it is the major contributor to the diabetes. The recent report published in the Journal of Hepatology, has come across the implications of several beverages on health and found that the sugar-sweetened drinks are causing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) predominantly.
The regular consumption of sugary drinks, heightens the risks of NAFLD, as per the research done by Tufts University. The data of 2,634 self-reported dietary questionnaires responded by the enrollees of National Heart Lunch and Blood Institute (NHLBI) Framingham Heart Study's Offspring and Third Generation cohorts, reveals the shocking fact.
The participants were also asked to undergo a computed tomography (CT) scan for measuring the fat amount in the liver, then scientists found higher amounts of fat content in the livers of people who reported frequent drinking sugar-sweetened beverages.
The questionnaires also included questions on caffeinated- and caffeine-free colas, fruit punches, lemonade or other non-carbonated fruit drinks, other carbonated beverages with sugar. The researchers also observed the risks of diabetes and cardiovascular disease in those people.
Addicting to the unhealthy beverages elevates the chances of facing health problems, while consuming healthy drinks like coconuts, organic fruit drinks and pesticide or chemical free beverages improves the life expectancy.